tuesday snoooze day
cuteness overload

So last night, actually it was probably more like early this morning, I had the coolest dream.
In my dream my Sister and I were at my mom's house out in the country.
In my dream my Sister and I were at my mom's house out in the country.
She grabs me by the arm and says OH my gosh you have to come look at this little animal out here..so i walk outside and playing under a tree i see what my brain has created to be a cuteness overload.
It was a Kitten mixed with a Squirrel.. hahahahahh
What a random combination, but in my dream it was seriously the cutest thing ever...
hahahahahh.... i love my brain.
hahahahahh.... i love my brain.
Anyways i just thought that was funny
More Importantly, Today Is...
- Pack for the unexpected. Never believe the weather channel! Always throw in an unexpected outfit. If its suppose to be cold, bring your bathing suit. If is suppose to be hot, add a light jacket. Just incase
- Don't overdo it. Don't plan your itinerary chock-full. Allow for down-time. If you have to scratch things completely off the itinerary, dont sweat it. A vacation is meant for relaxation.
- Pack light! I cant tell you how many times i've taken a two day trip and packed 14 outfits. Not only does this take up more space in your luggage, but you also feel the need to wash all of these clothes after you get back home. Save yourself some trouble and only bring one or two extra outfits, not 14.
- Be Nice. As easy as it is to get stressed about high gas prices or the slow driver in front of you, make sure you focus on the more important things. Wouldnt you rather look back on your trip and remember the smiles instead of the arguments. An argument is never worth it in the end so just remember to go with the flow and be nice.
- Bring a Camera! Nothing brings back memories like a photo album chock-full of family photos. Make sure to bring extra batteries or film depending on your camera. Dont be embarassed to ask someone to take your picture. With an album full of photos, your trip will be captured in time so that all the crisp details stay intact and the vacation doesnt become a blur in time.
bon voyage

Kitties & squirrels....Squeeeee!
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