Hawaiian Thursday
Well hello there Fine Fellow

So as you may have noticed today is Hawaiian Thursday. This evening after work, we have a Staff Cookout that my work is hosting. It was such a surprise when they announced that the theme would be Hawaiian. What a brilliant new idea. No one has ever used hawaiian as a theme for a cookout. We have such original thoughts here at my place of employment.
" Come to Hawaii, we beg of you! Our main source of income is tourism and we need your money"
actual quote

If we wore our hawaiian shirts today at work, we would even get to wear jeans, or even.... SHORTS! What a tempting offer. I've always wanted to look like this guy

News of the Weird
For 15 years, police in southern Germany have been futilely tracking a female "serial killer" whose DNA (but little other matching physical evidence) was found at 40 crime scenes, including six murders. Only in 2007 did they begin to consider alternative theories, and in March 2009, a state justice minister announced that the case had been solved: The DNA matched up in the tests because the cotton swabs used to collect it had been contaminated at the factory (but authorities still have not determined which female factory worker inadvertently supplied the DNA). [BBC News, 3-26-09]
For 15 years, police in southern Germany have been futilely tracking a female "serial killer" whose DNA (but little other matching physical evidence) was found at 40 crime scenes, including six murders. Only in 2007 did they begin to consider alternative theories, and in March 2009, a state justice minister announced that the case had been solved: The DNA matched up in the tests because the cotton swabs used to collect it had been contaminated at the factory (but authorities still have not determined which female factory worker inadvertently supplied the DNA). [BBC News, 3-26-09]
ahahahhahh......... people are stupid
Who thought this would be a good idea....

Finger Condoms.... Really?

Just remember...

I love it here! Never know what to expect, but I know to expect something good!
(ok, send over that Fine Fellow when he's done at your place.)
*Hi Calie*
May 15, 2009 at 9:11 AM
hahah, glad someone enjoys my randomness. yes i'll be sure to be sending the fine fellow on his way shortly
p.s. calie says hi
May 15, 2009 at 10:01 AM
i like the poem at the bottom....i want to write that on tommys facebook. i'm going to...dont tell him i stole it from you> AHAHAHAHAHAHAH i''m so evil
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