fry day

Why, just please help me figure out, why, do i feel the need to get wasted on a Thursday night, when i know full well that i have to work early the next morning.

SO, after finishing a whole bottle of vodka between two people in less than an hour, i realized that mixing vodka and gatoraid is a BAD idea. What followed after was filled with embarasment, i think i vaguely remember booty dancing, and everyones face of amazement when they realized that i could actually dance like that. Haha, the little innocent girl can GET IT ON. I just really hope no one got ANY incriminating pictures.
Oh did i mention i started giggling during the blessing for the food... yeahhh. Not one of my finer moments
And then if that wasnt enough alcohol, we decided to go bar hopping... why? you might ask. But even i dont know the answer to that
on to a new topic
Mystery Bruises
Honestly i dont know WHERE they come from. I woke up this morning with a little circle bruises on my right forearm and one on my thigh, and other random places. It loks like someone poked me really hard, with their little pointer finger. poke poke poke
Morning after Cravings:
a delightful steak dinner... mmmm
I'm really, REALLY hungry
Ummm I had a gatorade+vodka night once, and it was NOT a good idea.
May 15, 2009 at 11:13 AM
agreed. Something with those damn electrolites, gets you TORE UP from the FLOOR UP
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