Thursday's Thirteen

Here are 13 very random facts that seem important today
1: Ryan Gosling is my favorite actor

2. I think I would enjoy being a flight attendant

3. I prefer cold weather over hot weather. I probably shouldnt be living in South Carolina.
I miss the Fall.

4. I went to Charleston Yesterday, and had a loverly time. But i have yet to upload the pictures. I promice i'll do it tomorrow evening
5. I hAtE wHeN pEoPle TaLk LiKe ThIs
6. I love chewing gum. Hey random fact: Did you know that chewing gum reduces stress?
7. I'm drinking Diet Dr. Pepper right now

8. I think txt messaging is fun (especially at work), but is also a very an expensive hobby.

9. I would really like to write childrens books one day.

and illustrate them myself
10. I like Corona

12. I really want to go take a Kayak on the River. Yep.

13. Mr. Bush likes to eat kitties. Beware

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