wonderful wednesday
SO today i'm feeling much better than yesterday! I finally got my camera lens in the mail. I was soooo nervous when i got it because it was a used lens and i was afraid soemthing would be wrong with it. Also another one of my fears was that the problem with my camera wasnt the lens, and i just paid 100 bucks for a new lens, and what if that wasnt the problem. AHHH so lots of " What if's " were running through my little brain.
Anyways so i opened the package.... and slowly put on the new lens and turned it on... and.... Click. everything fit into place perfectly and worked like a dream! I was sooo very very relieved!

Its weird, i didnt relize how much i used my camera until i couldnt use it. I've felt like i was missing something for these past two weeks that its been broken. But now i'm whole again!

I'm so glad you work again dear camera!
And so is Eve

Impossible Question of the Day
The average mom has 162 of these:
If you get the answer right i'll give you a prize.

and yes this is very very random but just too cute....

bobby pins???? diapers in the house at any given time??????? calls per week on cell phone???
I have no idea
May 20, 2009 at 11:25 AM
i cant say yet incase anyone else wants to answer
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