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Peru in all it's Glory

Ok so i finally got around to posting a few pictures- now mind you i have HUNDREDS so i just picked some of my random favorites to show.

Sorry for the delay.
Hope you enjoy

Typical way to buy meat
Best olives i have ever had... hands down.
Ok, these dogs are like the "Peruvian Dogs" and they are just so ugly they're cute

Feeding the street cats at the market
For the kitty lovers around the world.
This little lovey was so curious i just had to catch her on film!
Synchronized lip licking

The market
Food by the Kilo
Back to the camp where it all started

Being silly getting some Bubble Tea :)
Cliff Jumping.....hahah

Brrr... It was chilly in the Highlands

Its tradition to stop on the side of the road when your traveling and make a little stone tower- Its an old tradition which supposedly "appeases the gods" and gives you safe travels.

Me and Melanie

Not exactly fun when your a little afraid of heights...

Not sure if you can tell by this picture but i was actually sitting on the edge of a cliff at the "Cruz de Condor". There is a big stone cross above us that the ancient settlers built. This is the most common place to see the largest flying bird in the world- The condor.

I actually had a headache and didn't feel too well in this picture due to altitude sickness- My body didn't like being up over 20,000 ft. above sea level...

Gorgeous Highlands Scenery
Llama crossing!
Aww, brotherly love
more llama crossings

My sweet Melanie and friend *oops i forget the other girls name...*

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February 5, 2010 at 10:52 PM

Fabulous pictures!
You must have had a great time! Of course I like the pictures of the kitties in the market best!!!  

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