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Doggie Adoption Options

March 1, 2011
thought of the day
Growing up I had a pleathera of animals, anything from goats, pigs, geese, and sheep, to a pet squirrel and ball python.
But now as I get a little older, and move myself and my wonderful man into an apartment, my dreams of having a pet fox, or ferret seem to be a little bit out of my reach.

So we're getting a dog! And it will be wonderful
Working at a Veterinary Clinic has let me meet hundreds of different breeds of wonderful little doggies.

BUT the question is, which one is best for me!

* smaller house dog less than 25lbs
* doesnt need alot of exercise
*extremly affectionate and good with kids
*easy to train
Here are my options:


hello little friend :)

My boyfriend is very much in love with the

Norwich Terrier

which indeed are very cute, but have the wirey coat. But not out of the relm of possibility

Next we have my personal favorite


Boston Terrier
eeeeeek! So cute
Well the jury is still out, but hopefully we'll make a desicion soon!

The sweet one

November 14, 2010

Whenever I'm having a bad day, this little face always seems to change my mood

Who makes pancakes with oil?

September 14, 2010


August 9, 2010

lol cats

July 30, 2010

The Story

July 16, 2010
Chapter Three


Time halted to an abrupt stop as his gaze turned from water to cold hard ice. His smile fell as a confused and angry look swept across his face.

"How do you know my name…?"

Her eyes dropped as she felt the blood rush to her face. Had she really been that careless

"Let’s just go to the hotel and I’ll explain everything"

He followed her out the door as they walked in silence to the hotel where he stayed. Up two flights of stairs and still not a word was exchanged. She tried to play out the conversation they would have and how she would explain her, situation.

He closed the door behind her as she drew in a long deep breath.

"Where do I begin…" She started.

"Parker, there’s no easy way to say this so I’ll just be frank. I’m an assassin. A very good one at that but for some reason I’m managed to royally screw this one up."

He grinned as she looked at him with a questioning stare. Such an odd reaction, she thought to herself. I tell him I was planning on killing him and he smiles at me?

"Well," he said "I must admit I’m a little relieved you couldn’t go through with it. I know I’ve done some bad things and I’m sure there are plenty of people who wouldn’t mind having me dead, but I don’t know; something about knowing you could be dead makes you appreciate life even more."

She exhaled as she slumped into a pile on the bed.
"I just don’t know what’s gotten into me lately" she rubbed her face trying to smooth away the oncoming headache.

He sat down beside her and kissed her gently on her temple stroking the back of her head as she instinctively relaxed. She closed her eyes and she fell back on the soft white comforter trying to find some kind of right in all this wrong.

They sat in silence for what felt like ages as her mind tangled between what would happen next.
If Frank found out he would send someone after not only Parker, but now her as well. He couldn’t find out. He never had to know. What was it about this stranger that made her want to risk everything?

She felt something cold touch the side of her head as she slowly opened her eyes and looked to the ceiling.

"I was being honest when I said I was glad you couldn’t muster up the courage to kill me. I knew it was a risk when I accepted the job, but as you of all people know, in our line of work it’s just an occupational hazard."
He looked at her coldly as he cocked the gun.

"Frank was right. You have gone soft"

The Story

June 9, 2010
Chapter Two

Once home again, Angelica tried to put him out of her head. She remembered the long gaze he gave from his piercing green eyes as she walked out the door of the bar. Her skin pricked and the hairs stood straight up as she replayed the memory back in slow motion. What was it about this stranger that made her stomach knot and breath evaporate.

Three weeks earlier she had received the packet of information detailing the profile of her mark. When she had seen him in the photo the first time she had noted his attraction but dismissed it hastily, remembering it was part of her trade. She hadn’t realized how wonderfully created he was until he walked in. What are the odds that he would be at Ellington’s tonight?

She knew every bit of information about him; His social security number, birthday, employer and all the dirty things he did behind closed doors. She knew he was marked to die but something inside her cracked at the thought of taking this life.
A little piece of her numbed each time she pulled the trigger slowly vanishing until nothings was left. She had a shell of a heart with the sympathy of a stone. She tried to convince herself that each person she killed was destined to die for the deeds they had done, she was only speeding up the process, but this time she didn’t know if shed be able to finish the job. What worried her more was that if she didn’t do it, someone else would.

She had to find him

She picked up the envelope that Frank had sent, sifting through birth certificates and fake passports. She pocketed the last of her money and slid on her coat. A burst of wind pushed her back as she opened the back door of her apartment. The mud from the rain caked her leather boots as her heals sunk in making it nearly impossible for her to walk. Was the earth itself trying to hold her back from finding him?
She rushed back to Ellington’s fighting the wind which felt like a semi-truck being driven straight into her chest.
As she reached the bar she tried to enter calmly despite the fact that her heart was beating like a steel drum. Instincts made her count the exits and profile the patrons as she took a seat at the bar. But he wasn’t there. She waved over the bartender and leaned in as she spoke in her most manipulative voice.

"There was a gentleman here about an hour ago, black suit brown hair….Did you happen to notice where he went?"

"Nope, that fella just got up and left not too long after you pranced on outta here. Left a nice big tip though. Quiet. Too quite for my taste. What makes you ask? You know him?"

"You could say that…well thank you for your time sir"

She got up. Disheartened and confused she made her way back to the apartment. She took a shortcut down Harmon Street passing by Sunset Petroleum station when she noticed him at the counter buying smokes. She swiveled her hips 90 degrees as she made her way in his direction.

Ding ding. The heavy glass door announced her entrance as she walked in to the nearly vacant store. A slight grin crept across his face as she came closer to him.

"Breathe!" She reminded herself as she stood beside him at the counter.

"I thought you’d never find me," He said, as his eyes sparked in a playful way.

Did he know she’d been looking for him? Hundreds of thoughts raced through her head as she tried to remain calm.

"I’m staying at the Ashburn Hotel three blocks down if you’d like to get some coffee and tell me why you were so intent to find me"

She was speechless; tongue tied and astonished. "Yes!" she thought as her heart skipped a beat from the magnificence of his smile. She smiled back at him and extended her arm towards the door.

"After you, Parker"

Time halted to an abrupt stop as his gaze turned from water to cold hard ice. His smile fell as a confused and angry look swept across his face.

"How do you know my name…?"