Back to normal
July 28, 2009
What odd soda's. But they have caught my attention. I would really like to know what they taste like

Keep the fire burning

Yesterday we celebrated the birthday of my Beautiful neice, Heidi! It was the first time that she had ever tasted anything with that much sugar, and you better believe she LOVED it. She ate that whole cupcake in five minutes flat! The sugar secret is out now, hahah.
I cant believe how quickly one year has passed.. Shes deffinatly not a little baby anymore! But we all look forward to the exciting new times ahead!
(zombies have attacked me....)
Getting your wisodm teeth out is a very common normal procedure right? Well remember who your dealing with there... i defy all that is normal.
So i go in on Thurday(yesterda) morning to the dentist, all is seeming to go well. I get my medicines (no I.V. this is waht we call a conscience sedation) but i'm pretty drugged up... so apparently the first 4 came out fine.. (remember i have 6 that need pulling)
So the last ones, a regular one on the top right back corner, and the baby wisdom tooth that is attached to it. So he start to pull.. and at this time i'm not sure if the medicine is wearig off or what, but i can HONESTLY feel it.. it wasnt the pressure sensation that everyone talks about. no i could actually feel him with the plyers trying to rip out my tooth..
So i'm screaming at him and the nurse's are trying to hold me down in place , but i'm yelling and screaming as best i can " That HURTS!!! STOP!! it HURTS!!!"
So after about another ten minutes of trying to pull it out to no avail, he realizes that yes.. these teeth have fused with the jaw bone and are giogn to have to be surgically removed by an oral surgeon...
so they load me back into the car and we drive down to another docotors office.. and we pull up and my mom had called ahead of time to make sure they had a wheelchair waiting for me at teh front door so they could just wheel me in and get it over with... Well we pull up to the doc's office and no one is there waiting.. so my mom is pretty stressed out so she leaves me in the car and runs inside and asks for a wheel chair.. So of course they're all being asses, and they say, well we need to see the x-rays before we can do anything
so she runs back out to the car, and somehow ( i really dont remember this) I have managed to unhook my seatbelt lean out of the car adn i'm trying to throw up? I dont know my mom said i was white as a ghost.. so she gets some random passerby to take the x-rays in to the front desk while she stays with me and helps me not fall out of the car..
we get into the doc's office adn they put me to sleep in get the other teeth out within liek ten minutes... SO much hassel.. so much money.. so much trouble
all for my stupid mouth.
nope... not had any problems with it so far....
Anyways on to other more interesting news....
I would really like to get a tattoo.. but something like this.
I just think that is absolutly stunning, and so orginal and unlike any other tattoo i've ever seen before. Now i wouldnt want this one exactly but i love how its done.. It just looks like a piece of art
Anwyays i want something with that kind of feel to it...
ok time to go sketch something
Thursday morning at 8:30 am i am going to be getting all my wisdom teeth removed!
I'm not nessisarily Happy about this, but since one of them is highlly infected, it will be a relief to get them OUT
I can only open my mouth a tiny bit , and its all puffed up and hurting
So cross your fingers
In other news...
I'm enjoying a delicous Georgia Peach. ON the way home from Florida sunday, my mother and i stopped at a local fruit stand in Georgia and purchased some lovely peaches.. They are seriously to delicious for one mouth
its like.. Deliciousness overload.
It will be grand, so Get EXCITED!
Hahah the evil eyebrow has made an appearance
Anyways so those were a couple of the highlights
But now its time for bed! Goodnight world
Going back to Jacksonville again this weekend. I'm not really looking forward to the long drive by myself, but i shouldnt be too pesimistic. Sometimes i enjoy having time alone in my little car to sing as loud as i want or be silent with my thoughts. The only unfortunate part is that i dont have cruise control, so sometimes my foot gets tired of pushing the gas... hahah But on the upside to having no cruise control, i think it makes me focus more... if i had the cruise control on it'd be easeir to zone out, but without it, it makes me always think more about driving!
Theres always a positive to every negative... or at least i'd like to think so
The countdown has begun
40 days and 40 nights
Te amo, mi sapito!