Theater Thursday
The Truth

It was late. The night seemed darker than usual as we made our way down that old familiar road. There was so much to talk about, but instead we sat in silence and listening to the rain beat against the car, and watched the trees pass by in a blur of grays and green.
She breathed in, and let out a long sigh. My sister and I have always been close, but even now it wouldn’t take a sister to know that something was bothering her.
"Let’s see what’s on the radio,"
I say, trying to break the silence and lighten the mood.
I hit the search button aimlessly with nothing in mind to search for, and end up on a country western station. In the background, I think I hear someone singing about heartbreak, before I realize I’m too caught up in my own thoughts to concentrate on what song is playing.
The silence between us is painful. I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off.
"I told you…Its fine!"
There’s something in her tone I’m not used to. She speaks to me like a mother reprimanding her child for falling asleep in church for the fourth Sunday in a row.
I feel guilty for even thinking about asking her again, but I just have to know.
I knew what had to be done. I silently opened my phone and dialed the number, knowing they’d be behind us in a matter of minutes.
Before we even made it to the red-light at the end of the road, they were behind us. Sirens blaring, lights so bright I thought I’d gone blind.
"YOU…. You wouldn’t!!"
She screamed, as she glared at me with her fiery eyes. I was determined to stand strong as I replied in a calm but slightly shaken voice.
"I'm sorry i have to know...I have to know the truth"
For a moment I felt guilty, but I knew that the truth had to be uncovered. I couldn’t be wrong about this; it would be worth it in the end.
She pulled the car over, still fuming and blazing with anger, muttering inaudible sentences under her breath the whole time. Once on the shoulder of the road, she cut off the car, and sat there waiting for the worst.
A voice bellowed at us, while four standard police floodlights pierced through our windows, making everything brighter than daylight. We opened the doors, slowly, as they creaked in unison.
The ground was soggy, muddy from the rain of the day. We stepped out of the car with our hands on our heads as they slowly moved in. It was written all over their blue bulletproof vests in yellow reflective material.
I saw in her, an anxiety, one that had stricken her entire body, leaving it nothing more than a small shaking frame.
"I’m sorry, it had to be done…It had to be done."
I repeated to myself, almost in a whisper, as my arms slumped to my side.
They grabbed her by each arm and pulled out a small tube with a straw like fixture attached to it.
They commanded as they shoved the breathalyzer up to her trembling lips.
"And do it right. We’ll know if your breathing lies"
I had to know the truth…It had to be done.
It had to be done….
May 7, 2009 at 11:01 AM
the truth police are coming to get you!
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