meet the author monday


Thank you Kelly.
So had a pretty good weekend, i must say! Went downtown on saturday night with my sister and her husband, and went to the Sheraton Hotel in Downtown Columbia. They had a rooftop bar, which was actually ON TOP of the hotel 17 stories up, and then a vault bar. The hotel itself actually used to be a bank, and the vault of the bank was turned into a martini bar. Really cute, it still has the same vault door as the entrance of the bar.

Oh, the dreaded gutter ball.....

hahahh i really dont know what the point of adding all three of these numbers together is, but i love it!!
So we're back to monday now, and for some reason i'm extremly tired. OH i havent had any coffee yet today, thats probably why... But i think i'm going to go ahead and take my lunch break (its 12oclock now)

Further Book report coming soon: I havent had that much time to read this weekend, so i dont have much to report. More coming soon

Tell me this isnt the cutest thing you have EVER seen....

Love this post! Your hair is really cute, I had long hair when I was younger but then so did everyone in the 70's (that gives away my age of 49!)
The bar you talked about is interesting. Here in Minneapolis we have an old jail building that is now a restaurant/bar. They even kept a couple of the cells with the bars, just for yuccks!
May 6, 2009 at 8:55 AM
hahah that is Awesome!! There was a sign on the door ( i should have taken a picture ) But it said, " If you cant pay your tab, just remember, the Vault still works " hehe clever
May 10, 2009 at 4:13 PM
I like the banana, but I can't stop thinking taht his eyes are sewing push-pins. haha!
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