Friday… Oh the possibilities

Life Lessons
5 points after 5.
A ritual held every Thursday night in the 5 points area, where bands play live out doors to the people of the city. Last night I decided to join in on the festivities, because one of my favorite activities is people watching.
There was one thing in particular that I noticed that just bothered me. It irked me really. And the subject in question here is, yes... Balloon Hats
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:
You sir,
Yes… you… look absolutely ridiculous
Not only are balloon hats completely inappropriate for adults, I find them distasteful and borderline offensive. To say, I have an urge to run at this man with a sharp, pointed object, would be an understatement.
That is my rant today. It needed to be said. SO next time your at the park and you see the man making little balloon animals or funny little hats… Remember how ridiculous that man above looks, and think twice before placing it on top of your head
Not only are balloon hats completely inappropriate for adults, I find them distasteful and borderline offensive. To say, I have an urge to run at this man with a sharp, pointed object, would be an understatement.
That is my rant today. It needed to be said. SO next time your at the park and you see the man making little balloon animals or funny little hats… Remember how ridiculous that man above looks, and think twice before placing it on top of your head
These people decided not to heed my warning , and see what happened to them…

Excuse me but I happen to know personally the man who made those hats. The man is an artist and traveled the world proving that laughter and a smile is universal in a time that is said to be the worst in all of mankind. I make balloon hats myself and consider it an art. I make good money making what I do and get to walk home knowing that I made men and women young and old happy. What have you done?
May 26, 2011 at 8:47 AM
made a blog
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