Monday.. again?

This morning, as i lay sleeping peacfully in my bed, i am startled by the ringing of my cell phone. Its almost time for me to get up but still a little early. I look at the phone, thinking its the alarm, and see a random number calling. Its around 7 in the morning, so thinking it might have to do with work, I promptly answer the phone.
This is the actual conversation that i had early this morning.
Me: (groggy sleeping voice) Hello?
Caller: Hello, Paula?
Me: What?
Caller: Hello is this Paula?
Me: No, i think you have the wrong number
Caller: Paula, i'm just returning your call and was hoping i could talk to you about your account information
Me: (interupting and starting to get mad, half yelling): I SAID, this ISNT paula
Caller: This isnt paula?
Me: NO, i already told you that
Caller: Well is this..#235-**** (my number)
Me: Yes
Caller: And this isnt Paula's number?
Me: NO i already told you that!!!
Caller: Oh.. well i thought this was Paula's number
Me: (now i'm mad): WELL ITS NOT!
Caller: Oh well i must have the wrong number
Me: Yeah you do.. goodbye!!!
Hahah, are you DEAF? Seriously, what part of "You have the wrong number" do you NOT understand.
Oh, the stupidity of man.
(I'm pretty sure this is the man who called me....)
In other news...
Sunday nights are BOWLING nights!

Sunday nights at the bowling alley in West Columbia (by the D's Wings), its 5 dollar cover charge, and then dollar games and dollar shoes. I think we bowled 6 games each last night and only ended up paying like 20 bucks
(well alot more after the multiple pitchers of beer)
Anyways, thats the place to find me on Sunday Nights
Bowling buddies!

In other, other news...

This photograph pretty much sums up my morning.....
People are yelling at me, members are being extra rude, the computer systems wern't working this morning, the parkinglot is blocked off due to repairs, and just a mutual sence awfulness is all around me.
Monday has NOT started out on a good note.
Help me...
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