Knees Please
Home again home again! Dont worry i'm in good care
(Shes using magnetic letters to spell out words and ask me questions)
I think my "nurse" is a little pre-occupied with food .... this might become a problem
Below is my bestest friend Mary Catherine who came to visit me and bring me GOODIES
Did such a great job slicing me open
First day of wearing "real" clothes

ewie i dont like IV's
I couldnt eat for like 24 hours, and this was my FIRST thing i had! Some italian Ice.. yums
This was actually right BEFORE the surgery when i was jacked up on some drugs
Good leg bad leg 
My sweet sister!
"Don't cut me, I'll be good!!"
So surgery went pretty well , just hanging out trying to recover. I'm actually in alot of pain but thats to be expected.
Keep your fingers crossed. I'll be sure to update on the recovery process.
Good thing i have my little sweet tart to take care of me
tata for now
Glad everything went well and you are recouperating with such a good nurse in the house!
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