Tic Toc
the day is
fast approaching
This friday i get my surgery around 9am.
This friday i get my surgery around 9am.
I have to be at the hospital 2 hours early which kinda sucks...because i live like 45 minutes away so we have to leave super early! I'm going to be exhausted!
I have to say i'm still a little nervous.
OK so this is a normal knee - The Petella is the top cap part and it rests in the groove made by the Femur.

Unfortunatly this is more of what my knee looks like- (this is not my x-ray but kind of similar) The groove in the Femur bone is extremly shallow causing the knee cap or petella to slip out of place (which makes my knees disloacate)
Good thing i have people to take care of me!! I should be back on my feet in no time!

But in all seriousness, it should take about 6 weeks to be walking without crutches... so thats somthign to look forward to! haha
I'll have to brush up on my crutch skills!
Then we can have a race
Hope all went well with your surgery and you are up & at it again quickly.
My mom had surgery Friday 19th too. Total knee replacement. It's going to take her longer to recover. She's 85.
February 21, 2010 at 6:24 PM
Oh goodness, i'll be prayer for her! Yah i guess friday was just the day for knees... i'm about to post a new blogs with pictures :D
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