Is it really that complicated?

I get asked this question or some form of this question at least once a week.
Let me just give you a couple examples.
(these are not edited- these are true and actual things people say to me...)
"So how do you pronounce your name ? Carrie? (like Car-ree)"
Ummm no... Its Corrie...
"Corrie... is that a real name? Or do you have another name.."
Ummmm no.... Its a real name. I was named after Corrie Tenboom....
"Corrie....? Isnt that a boys name?"
No..... It can be a boy or girl name...
" that short for something?"
Nope.. just Corrie.
I was at a restaurant and they asked for my name to put on my ticket...
As the waiter came out with the food and called my name, i put up my hand to signal it was me.
He looked at me confused then started laughing
" Oh i was expecting a man!"
I'm tired of it.

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