break of dawn

Cup of strong coffee and a bagel with strawberry cream cheese
could it get any better than that?

I'm thinking about turning this blog into a sketch blog- I usually draw something everyday while i'm at work...and end up throwing them away just because i nothing else to do with random doodles on scraps of paper...
But i think it would be fun to save everything i draw- even if its ugly or dumb and have a massive collection of my random art.
Might be fun to look back on
Yay or Ney?
First of all, I heart free breakfasts from work. I work in a SUPER small firm, five people strong, and when someone brings in something, its *typically homemade...hmmm.
Second, I love the idea of having you post your sketches. I cannot sketch to save my life, but my best friend I have her drawings scattered in my house :) Good luck!
September 14, 2009 at 9:27 AM
Thanks!! Yeah i never complain when theres free breakfast around.
As for the sketchy blog- it has been started! Hopefully i keep up on it.. it would be nice to have somewhat of a portfolio :) thanks for the encouraging words! Give jack a kiss for me
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