As the weekend draws near....

the weekend is upon us
embrace it!
Your mission this week : Drink good wine and then tell me about it
yet again

I always enjoy working events or parties... Since i'm such an avid people watcher, its always fun to slip into the background and watch the world. To watch people laugh and conversate about the bride and groom, watch people dance and people drink.
An experience which i look forward to..
(and the money's not too shabby either!)

Today has been a long day at work..
The weather here is just annoying.. Its been off and on raining but the heat remains unbearable.. Its in the upper 90's.. we might have even broken 100 this week.. but i'm just ready for fall to be here.. but really...I think i would be content if the weather just made up its mind
I do NOT like the guy with the blue-balled fungus growing on his face. HAHA, but i LOVE the little girl - the top sweet
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