Monday's Survey

In the proper spirit of Monday's typical boredom,
I have completed a survey which gives you pointless,
and mostly useless bits of information about my life
I hope you enjoy
Full Name: Corrie Lee Defelice
Date Of Birth: 04-05-1988
Place Of Birth: Indiana
Hair Color: Blondish brown
Eye Color: Greenish- hazel I guess
Height: 5' 5’’
Weight: Haha a girl will never tell
Ethnicity: Mostly German, some Italian
Gender: female
Hometown: Columbia SC
[Now that we've covered the basics, How about some favorites?]
Color: Probably the green family
Number: 3 (not 3)
Month: April! Or September
Teacher: huh? Favorite teacher? Hahah my mom!
Sport: swimming
Flavor: Peach!
State: Indiana
Letter: D
Pizza: Supreme!!!
Band: Scouting for girls (new favorite) Dave Matthews, Our lady peace, A fine Frenzy, Travis, Greg Laswell (many many more!!!)
Soda: Fresca
Cookie: Not a huge cookie fan…
[Family Time]
Parents Names: John and Trudy
Sibling Names: Maria and Tyler
Favorite Aunt: Aunt Kelly I guess, I’ve been around her the most
Favorite Uncle: Uncle Tony- same reason as above
Who do you like better, your grandparents on your Moms side or your Dads: Dads I guess… only one that’s still alive
Favorite Relative: Brother and Sister, to be sure!!
Favorite Relative: Brother and Sister, to be sure!!
Craziest Relative: My brother and all the boy cousins! Haha they’re all crazy
Most Annoying: No one
Best Cook: mmmm MY MOM!! Most defiantly
Longest Beard: hmm Probably uncle Andy, or Mark… Haven’t seen either in a while though
Whats your favorite class: Art, need you ask?
Least favorite: Math and Science….ew...
Funniest teacher: Um probably Doc Morris
Meanest teacher: Mrs. Gowan… (she seriously had hated me with a vengeance and I couldn’t figure out why….)
Most Boring Class: Probably Math…. Just couldn’t get into it.
What color is your science teachers hair: You know what I think he was bald
Class you sleep most in: History, it was basically just nap time class
Class you talk most in: Computer class, haha the only class I ever got written up in. (got written up three times for talking too much)
Who do you sit by at lunch: All the kids that were actually unique and cool… the ones who would act silly with me and not care.
Any classes you actually enjoy: Art and Chorus!
[Your Cellular]
What type of phone is it: A retarded one- Virgin Mobile
Last 5 people to text you: Maria, Justin, Dad, Tyler, Maria(a lot)
Last Recived Call: Maria, right before my phone died
Last Dialed Call: ummmm Voicemail, but before that my daddy
Who's your most recent voicemail from: My dad, calling to make sure I got in alright last night.
3rd picture: No camera capabilities on my phone, I told you it sucked
What color is your phone: black and silver
How long have you had it: um a few months… since my birthday
Do you like it?: Not really. I want something that actually gets service out in Chapin
[Your Room]
How many posters are on your wall: 0
What color are your walls: Blueish greenish
How big is your bed: Single, seriously I think the couch is bigger
What color are the sheets: striped, green coral and brown ( my favorite colors )
Do you have a TV in your room: nope
What about a computer: Nope
What do you see when you open your closet door: Lots and lots of shoes.
Do you have a desk: nope
Who was the last person on your bed: Besides myself? My cat!
[Lets end with some randomness.]
What color are your socks: Chocolate Brown
Which room were you last in: well now I’m at work, but when I left the house, I left from the front foyer hallway thing
What are you listening to: the pitter patter of rain
What are you listening to: the pitter patter of rain
How many times have you gone outside today: Twice.
do you like gummy worms? MMmm yes indeed, especially sour ones
Last movie you watched: The International
Who are you dating: Johannes Dario Reuter
What’s the last thing you said out loud: "Alright your all set, have a good one"
haah you're silly
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