Back to work back to work!

So this morning, usually it takes me about 40 minutes to get to work. Its only about a 25 minute drive but traffic is usually pretty bad around 8 in the morning. But THIS morning, it was extraordinarily bad. It took me a whole hour to get to work.... I dont understand South Carolina drivers... there was NO wreck, there was NO for all four lanes to be at a complete stop in the middle of the highway...
I have lots of bug bites all over me! ahhhhhh they itch.......Stupid mosquitos. Trying not to itch trying not to itch!!! And i have a big one on my neck so it looks like a hickey... haha NICE

hahah, that made me laugh... I'm on cup number two...
I think i have a highly caffinated day ahead of me!
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on June 30, 2009 at 9:10 AM.
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